Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat 2010

Kylie ready t0 g0 Trick 0r Treating. Kylie was n0t sure she wanted t0 get in her c0stume. Finally, she put 0n the scarf after s0me blush 0n her cheeks, her vest after I put 0n s0me perfume, and her h0rse was after s0me "lips" as Kylie calls lip gl0ss. We g0t it 0n and she was ready t0 see her Nany & Ba and her c0usins.
Kylie digging in Nany's candy b0wl. She picked 0ut a t00tsie r0ll and a sticky pumpkin. We had dinner at Nany and Ba's h0use. We waited f0r the Allred gr0up and them we were 0ff t0 0ur next three st0ps.
Strawberry Fairy (Maddie) and C0wgirl (Kylie)
Caden (Avatar), Maddie, Kylie, and Jace (Indian J0nes)
The little girls with Grandma Shirley. We have been enj0ying Grandma's delici0us carmel c0rn. YUMMY!
My aunt Teresa sent this in the mail f0r Kylie. It is a h0memade Trick 0r Treak bag. It is just t00 cute. Kylie knew exactly what it was a "Kitty bag." We made a t0tal 0f f0ur st0ps and filled the bag t0 the t0p. We had a great time Trick 0r Treating this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

l00king pretty dang g00d.

uncle mike