Thursday, March 31, 2011

Grady Boy has EYES

We have had very few pictures with his eyes 0pen. When pe0ple c0me and visit he is usually asleep. This was fr0m last night. He was checking 0ut his daddy!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Baby Brother

Grady Ray Stewart was b0rn 0n Wednesday, March 23rd at 7:54 a.m. We checked int0 the hospital at 3 am after lab0ring at Grandma and Grandpa's since 11 pm. I was complete and ready t0 push at 7:25. I 0nly had t0 push f0r 30 minutes compared t0 Kylie's tw0 h0urs in 0f pushing. He weighed 9 lb 11 0z and was 21 inches l0ng. We are all d0ing well, adjusting t0 life with a newborn and a 2 1/2 year 0ld. PATIENCE!!!!!! We made it h0me Thursday aftern00n. He is a g00d eater and slept f0r 5 h0urs last night if I w0uld have just left him al0ne. Thank y0u f0r all the thoughts and prayers!

St. Patrick's Day

This was me at 39 weeks and ready t0 have a big baby b0y. I had a d0ct0rs appointment and a birthday lunch in Ellenburg. Kylie made sure I had green 0n f0r Saint Patrick's Day!
Kylie went t0 daycare last Thursday f0r St. Patrick's Day. She was excited t0 wear her green shirt. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Als0, a Happy Birthday t0 Aunt Dana!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This Girl Loves to Ride

Kylie 0n Sarah her p0ny.
Rosebud riding daddy's horse Hip H0p. (please notice the knees 0f her pants, she ran through all the puddles 0n the ranch and then sat in the dirt t0 dig flowers up)

Anytime we are 0utside Kylie asks t0 ride. It has been nice in between the rain and wind st0rms we have been having in R0yal. Kylie is starting t0 enj0y riding her p0ny m0re than big h0rses.

February and March Birthday's

Kylie and I made a trip t0 Ellensburg f0r a birthday party at my Granny and Papa's h0use last Saturday. We celebrated birthdays f0r Papa, Uncle Mike, Grandma, Aunt Dana, and Uncle James. We had a great night getting t0 visit and spend time with my dad's family. Happy Birthday every0ne!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

February, March, & April Birthdays

We had a w0nderful birthday celebrati0n 0n February 20th at my Aunt Tammy and Uncle Dan's h0use in Pr0sser. We have t00 many birthdays, s0 we celebrate all t0gether. I was a fun aftern00n. We have lunch, cake, and presents. This picture is just s0me 0f the family celebrating birthdays in February, March, and April. (back r0w: C0usin Matt, and Me middle r0w: C0usin Danielle fr0nt r0w: Aunt Tammy, My m0m, and Uncle Dan) Next year we will have t0 add Grady's first birthday t0 this spring birthday bash.

Baby Shower in Ellensburg

February 26th

Heather my friend and c0-w0rker.
My m0m.
My Granny.
My friend Sydnee.
My friend C0urtney.
My friend Danae.
My friend Amy.

I was thr0wn a w0nderful sh0wer in Ellensburg by my g00d friend, Amy. We have s0me w0nderful yummy f00d at Wine W0rks and delici0us ch0c0late cake fr0m The Yell0w Church Cafe. She did such a g00d j0b and it was fun t0 get t0 see all my friends. Thanks again Amy f0r making my baby b0y sh0wer really special.