Sunday, December 19, 2010

Gingerbread H0use

Kylie had s0 much fun this last Thursday putting t0gether a gingerbread h0use. She was s0 int0 the dec0rati0ns and where t0 put them. She w0uld p0int t0 where the icing sh0uld g0 then she w0uld paste her candy perfectly. This was a great pr0ject even f0r a 2 year 0ld. She was s0 pr0und 0f it. She has t0 sh0w every0ne that c0mes 0ver t0 0ur h0use. She even wanted t0 take it t0 Eburg with us t0 sh0w grandma. WE L0VE GINGERBREAD!

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