Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Surf n' Slide

Allison, Brandon, and Julie enjoying some ice cream cones, yummy yummy!

Kylie and I made a trip to Moses Lake today. Ryan needed some items from the feed story. Kylie and I also went to the “Babies and Books” program at the library. She loves all of the kids, songs, stories, snack, and toys. After the stories we went and took a stroller ride around downtown. Moses Lake is a has a really cute downtown. When we were done with lunch we headed over to the water park to meet my cousins for an afternoon of run. They are out from Kentucky for a couple of weeks. We are trying to fill their summer with fun things to do. Kylie enjoyed the sprinklers. We also tried out the tube ride, which Kylie loved. She even fell asleep during the ride. They have the cutest sand and playground but it was just too hot for my girl. It was a such a fun time, we know that the next nice day we will be at Surf n’ Slide. I do believe that Ryan was a little jealous, maybe we will invite him next time.


The Gies family said...

Kylie is getting so big, I can't believe how different she looks!! Surf n' slide looks like it's a lot of fun. We havent made it there yet this year- i think we'll have to give it a try. Hope youre enjoying your summer!!

Anonymous said...

August cant come soon enough! I miss you guys!!


Stine said...

Hi Jess!

Thanks for the note.
I am doing great and can't wait for my vacation to begin - in three weeks....
I would love to go to the states and visit you and your little family - it would be so great. I really miss you all. I hope that maybe I get to go next year, I don't want to lose touch with people I really care about and I want to introduce you to Klaus - he has heard so much about you. Can you believe that we haven't seen each other since your wedding???
I love that I can follow your life on the blog though - you have a beautiful family.
Are you going on vacation or staying on the farm this summer?
Lots of love,